I need to remember these

Today, true mortification is all but lost between the rigid, stubborn frame of spirit which is earthly, legal, harsh, critical, consistent with wrath, envy, malice, and pride, on the one hand, and pretences of liberty, grace, and I know not what, on the other.” – John Owen (The Mortification of Sin, abridged)

I liked the “I know not what” part. Having a sense of the certainty of something, but not knowing exactly… I like that he said that.

Let a man pretend what he will, little concern over sin is a serious offence to the grace and mercy of God!” – John Owen (The Mortification of Sin, abridged)

Others are hardened in their own sin by persuading themselves that they are in just as good a condition as the unmortified professor. They see their [the unmortified professor’s] zeal for religion, but it is not accompanied by righteousness. They view their worldy and selfish lives. They see them talk spiritually but live vainly. They hear them mention communion with God, and yet they are in every way conformed to the world. They see them boast of forgiveness of sins, and yet never forgive others. Thus, as they see the stain of sin in the unmortified professor, they harden their own hearts in their unregeneracy.” – John Owen (The Mortification of Sin, abridged)

God was a truth-teller from the beginning

Yeah, yeah, tell me something I don’t know. Well, I don’t know why this thought struck me so. I was thinking about how Jesus, in John 8:44, says that Satan is a murderer and liar. Satan is the father of lies.

Another verse came to mind: Romans 3:4 which says “… let God be true but every man a liar. …” and Titus 1:2 which says… “God, who cannot lie”. So of course we know that God tells the truth. He was a truth teller from our beginning. He has no beginning or end and has always been and will always be a truth-teller… and the Father of truth-tellers.

Remember when Pilate asked Jesus “What is truth?”. Jesus had answered that in two ways earlier. He prayed to His Father in John 17 to set apart His disciples by truth… then He clarified it by saying to the Father “Your word is truth”. Also in John 14:6 Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, the life…”. So the Word of God is truth and Jesus is truth. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God“.

Let God be true but every man, including myself, a liar, if ever His truth is questioned…. for He and His word are it.

“…Would you condemn Me that you may be justified?” Job 40:8